Lee Valley , assignment . Item : 03F0325

1. F-clamps are adjustable which allows for them to be used on larger scale objects without the need for a large screw. An F-clamp is also a simple mechanical device used for lifting engine or transmission parts. The clamp has an adjusting screw to tighten onto the part and a lifting ring to attach a hoist cable. 

2.   The name comes from its "F" shape. The F-clamp is similar to a C-clamp in use, but has a wider opening capacity (throat). This tool is used in woodworking while more permanent attachment is being made with screws or glue, or in metalworking to hold pieces together for welding or bolting.

.3.  No, this tool holds the pieces together until the glue is dry. Also this tools helps us the table saw to hold fences or to create jigs. 

4. yes, they are. EX : answer number ( 3 )

5. This can hold on strong in stressors. 

6. Generally this material functions in joints. 

7. Yes, we have noticed this tools on making different furnitures, such as night stand , tea-box etc.

8. This is a very handy tool.  


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